速報APP / 攝影 / Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Global - No office

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor(圖1)-速報App

Gallery365 is an excellent, powerfully, feature-rich app for organizing your photos.

Smart gallery photo viewer, video viewer, display them slide-show style. Enjoy with unlimited gallery video and images for show your friends and others.

You can share your pictures to social networks like Facebook, whatsapp, twitter etc.

★ Special Features

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor(圖2)-速報App

✔️ Import from any folders

✔️ Save to any folder

✔️ View collections with different modes

✔️ Best utility for edit your photo

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor(圖3)-速報App

✔️ Multiple choice for your sharing

✔️ Security for your collection

✔️ Fast search and filter

✔️ Offered for third party

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor(圖4)-速報App

Gallery365 is best tool for you.

■ Photo editor

- Renamed, shared, deleted, copied, move

- Cropped, rotated, flipped or set as Wallpaper

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor(圖5)-速報App

■ Security

- Protected hidden items with password

- Password protected the whole application

■ Manager

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor(圖6)-速報App

- Hidden folders, items

- Included folders, excluded folders

■ Slideshow

- Photos, videos, GIFs

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor(圖7)-速報App

- Random folders mode

- Move backwards, loop

■ More and more functions included and will development

Download this Gallery365 android app tool & enjoy it!

Gallery365 - Photo viewer & editor(圖8)-速報App

Greentea mobile team!